Look Back There Again
A few months ago, I was driving around in Ndola in our Land Cruiser Troopy, with a truck full of Young Lions. It was a joy. But I looked into the rearview mirror, and I saw Jack in the back, but besides him it was all new faces. These were our Junior Lions, the teenage boys that our Young Lions are now discipling and bringing up through the same process that the Young Lions themselves went through with Heidi and I.
As I looked in the mirror. The first thought that crossed my mind was, “I wish my truck was full of my lions — the guys I remember.” With a twinge of sadness, I felt the emotions of missing the good old days and having all those guys together in one place, at one time.
Almost instantly though, another thought shot across my mind. It felt like God was trying to tell me something. Deep in my heart I sensed Him saying, “multiplication is good. Look back there again.” The fact that this truck is full of new guys; the fact that years later it’s not just the same 14 getting blessed, but they’re turning around and training and blessing a new generation, means they captured your heart…there’s health here! There’s life here! This is good.
A pastor that I greatly respect often says healthy things grow. He also says, as a leader you can choose growth or control, but you cannot have both. This is an equation I didn’t learn in school but is powerfully relevant in family, fatherhood, in ministry, and life in general!
As I pondered our ministry that day, I thanked God for his kindness to allow us, through our amazing team, to grow this special ministry, and, with the powerful love of Christ, to multiply into the lives of a new generation of young men, who will, in turn and in time, do it again!
Lions lead with courage, compassion, and character. They move beyond mere survival, status quo, and “as-is” toward thriving! Lions celebrate what is and what was, but they also look to the future with faith and hope!
We can all rise, run, and roar with our lives, knowing that God’s plan for us includes fruitful multiplication and growth that extends far beyond what we can see today.
Look back there again! Do a double take! Get some new perspective today. Take action, live boldly, and watch how God multiplies your efforts in ways that bring life and change to those around you.
God is at work in your lives!
And he loves to show up and show off!