A World that lies in waiting

Christmas is upon us, and it really is the most wonderful time of the year!

Years ago, our family was on an overland journey covering some tough kilometers in Northern Zambia, and to pass the time we were listening to years of compiled music on shuffle.  For some reason Steve Perry’s 1984 hit, Oh Sherrie is our road song.  We don’t know why, or when this began, but we MUST listen to that one when we’re traveling. But it was fun to see what other songs played behind it in random order.  

 I love music and I listen to a wildly eclectic blend of it. Christmas music is no different. I don’t mind non-traditional and a bit out of the ordinary. My favorite Christmas album is In the Spirit by Michael McDonald. It’s a little more obscure than Mariah Carey’s Merry Christmas and a little less classic than Bing Crosby’s Merry Christmas but it is awesome. I first heard it when I was working at a church out in LA, and it was being played before the services during the month of December My favorite song on the album is called One Gift. James Ingram joins McDonald on this jam and he is a BEAST!

 While we were driving near the equator, and far from December, this Christmas song came on. Before I skipped it, I remembered the way James Ingram sang his verses with such intensity and I wanted my wife to hear it.  So, we let it roll.  

Let us remember - the message is clear

He sent us a savior to draw us near

With one love from the beginning  

That will span the rest of time 

A child is born 

to a world that lies waiting 

to prove our father’s love for all mankind…


As I heard this verse sung, I had the thought that we carry this gift.  

We, as in me and my family.  

We, as in you and me. 

We, as in all believers everywhere.  


We each carry a seed of Good News with unstoppable potential inside.  The gift that has already been given, Jesus, our Savior, and his forgiveness and rescue is the greatest gift ever.  And it is for everyone! It’s the sweetest tasting fruit in the market.  And we bear His name.  We have been invited to enjoy the goodness of this gift, and also commissioned to go forth and share the gift that keeps on giving — the joy that radiates through the ages — the clear message of God’s heart to draw people near, with everyone we meet, everywhere we go.  This loving gift we carry for the world can thrive in literally any atmosphere, circumstance, or setting.  

What an honor it is to be roaring-representatives of the most loving guy who ever walked the earth — Jesus!  Enjoy this Christmas to the fullest. Relish in the gift of Jesus’ coming — His love mercy and sweet forgiveness — and let it sink in that you’re someone so special, He’d spend the first Christmas ever, invading earth on a rescue mission for the ages! 

 That’s a true LION move!

Merry Christmas from all of us at Orchard.


Here Am I, Send Me!


More Than Just Mangos