Apolo Kivebulaya is one of my favorite lion heroes from history. He was born in the 1860s in Western Uganda and had much to overcome in his early life. His twin brother died at birth. He was apprenticed to a witch doctor as a young man. He was raised in the Muslim faith and later took place in a brutal war between Christians and Muslims in the Toro region that led to atrocities on both sides. He knew that life wasn’t for him, and his heart was burdened by the carnage, so he went AWOL and began wandering. He even associated with a group who would be known as potheads today, for a time.  Then he had a serendipitous encounter with the gospel. 

Apolo was specifically drawn to Matthew 5:13 where Jesus told His disciples they were meant to be salt and light; and that their living should add flavor to the earth and shine brightly!  When Apolo heard this, he was challenged.  He wanted to live with a lasting purpose and use his life to add value, so he turned everything around, and he eventually became a pillar of the Anglican church in Western Uganda. 

His heart also pounded for unreached people groups across the dangerous Ruwenzori Mountains in what is now the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.  Apolo became a missionary to the Mbuti tribe, a pygmy people group who lived in the Ituri Rainforest.  

A courageous decision at a crossroads – just one decision – can change your life.  You are more valuable and more dangerous than you think. And you are closer than you think to a whole different life.  But it takes courage to make a strong decision and there is no time like the present.  

One of Apolo’s favorite African proverbs warns, “he who waits until the animal goes by, spears only the tail.”  Don’t wait. Get in the game today and use what you have.  

No matter where Apolo went, he took a Bible and a garden hoe. He was known for planting flower gardens everywhere he went, and for his contagious joy. No frills. Just simple enthusiasm and genuine depth.  And check this out:  In 1890, there had been just one church with 200 members in Uganda but by 1927 there were 2,000 churches with nearly 185,000 members. There were also 14 groups among the rainforest tribes that Apolo regularly visited, walking across the Ruwenzori (Rainmaker) Range…barefooted! Apolo had a powerful impact in an incredibly remote and dangerous place.

 Apolo didn’t let his past define or disqualify him.  He didn’t wait until the stars aligned perfectly and he was some sort of expert.  He made a choice and a change and then, with clear eyes, a full heart, a load of bravery, and bare feet, he wrote a new story, and his life shone brightly!  His new story altered and blessed a whole region!

In early 2022, we held a special graduation ceremony. Three of our lions were moving into leadership. They had not only been part of our ministry from the beginning, but they had also shown themselves faithful and committed, and they had gone through a nine-month course we developed to prepare them for mission and leadership. We called it the Apolo Course, named for our Ugandan missionary hero. Jack, Joseph, & Misheck changed their stories too. Long before they graduated. And now they are coaches and guides to so many who are coming behind them. We could not be prouder of these men and their strong character and leadership!

Apolo and our coaches’ overcoming lives are proof that we can each change our stories, no matter how broken we feel, or how delayed or rough our start has been.

Attach faith to the small things you do daily.  And hear this:  becoming a lion is simply choosing an intentional lifestyle. Daily decisions in the right direction — like a marathon — one foot (bare or otherwise) in front of the other — then repeat. 

Just don’t quit!  Rewrite your story.  Redefine what’s possible!  

Salt and light lions lead powerful lives of legacy!


More Than Just Mangos


A Little Fellow Follows Me