Grandpop’s patches

My Grandpop Kohn served in the U.S. Border Patrol for several years, and before that, he was a police officer in Pennsylvania before moving out west. After retiring, he became an impressive Senior Semi-Pro Golfer. One of my fondest memories of time spent with Grandpop over the years was his incredible patch collection displayed in his Tucson office. These patches, collected over 40 years from various law enforcement branches hung on a massive corkboard in his office.  They symbolized teams and brotherhoods, authority, achievements, and even distinguished service.

I was captivated by the vibrant colors, intricate stitching, and the stories each patch told. During one of our conversations over a decade ago, Grandpop generously sent me and my boys his entire collection. Some were crisp and shiny from never having been on a uniform before, and some were floppy from wear and tear, but all of them are awesome!  The five of us divided the patches up into mini-collections and many of them hang on display in our home today!  Sorting through them brought back childhood memories and inspired a new family tradition.

Every year, we gift our boys patches that celebrate their learning, growth, and adventures. These patches, included in a photo album we present on Christmas Eve, come with letters affirming their experiences, their character and their year’s achievements. It’s a powerful tradition, providing them with tangible reminders of their growth. Our Young Lions Running Team earns different patches as rewards for effort, commitment and performance or as reminders of special accomplishments.

Similarly, in the Old Testament, the Israelites built altars a reminders of God’s provision and victories. Their simple rock piles reminded them of when and where God provided uniquely or interacted with them personally.  They made an offering of thanksgiving at all these places.  I believe each one was a gift for God, AND a reminder for themselves.  The Israelites were forgetful people.  They’d celebrate their freedom one moment and the next moment they were wishing for bondage in Egypt all over again.  They would be provided manna from heaven one day, and then the next day they were complaining.  They’d face and overcome one enemy and then cower in fear before next one.  But it helped to have these altars, these rock piles to look back upon, and remember.  Then they would be reignited and reenergized.  They’d be reminded of their true identity as chosen ones.  They’d see clearly again how the very presence of God was with them, and how He was acting on their behalf supernaturally, and constantly!  They would understand what was possible and remember their purpose.  Like those altars, our patches symbolize milestones that remind us of God’s faithfulness in our lives.

Last week, I visited Grandpop Kohn, now 97, and we reminisced over the patches, sharing lots of laughter and some surprising patch stories. These patches, much like rock pile altars, hold deep meaning. They foster faith, tell stories, even strengthen family bonds!

Take some time today to remember and celebrate what God has done. Think of the people and places that have shaped you, and let those memories inspire gratitude and growth. Write down an experience that changed you. Print out a photo from your phone of a friend who matters most.  Even buy someone a patch today (I get most of mine from Class B Patches or Patchtown Online) and drop them a line to tell them what they embody in your eyes. Remember that each patch—whether literal or metaphorical—tells a story of your unique journey.

Lions embrace these reminders as markers of where they’ve been, and are inspired by them to continue building connections, celebrating progress, living vibrant lives, and sharing their stories with others. Take it from me and Grandpop…patches matter! 


Roaring laughter


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