I Know Who I Am

I love the story of the Apostle Paul’s shipwreck on the island of Malta, in the Book of Acts, chapters 27 & 28. It reads like an incredible adventure and stands as a powerful account of God’s sovereignty. It is also a great reminder for each of us to live like lions, knowing full-well who we are. That faith carries us when storms rage and is a dynamic witness to others! Please enjoy this poem I wrote based on the passage. And live with roaring, overcoming, buoyant faith and purpose this week!


You think I’m just a mere prisoner 

Shackled quietly below

But you’ll know I’m a prophet 

When the storm winds start to blow.


You might have even scoffed or joked 

Or not cared a bit about me

But when you need a raft of faith 

You’ll come and make your plea.


You might think I’m cargo,

And just taking up some space

But I’m the mouthpiece of the Lord

On fire for the human race!


You might think since I’m locked up tight 

And thrown below the deck

That I’m a dangerous person, 

A-comin-for your neck.


You wouldn’t be completely wrong

I’m a different dangerous than you think, though

I’m here for hearts and souls instead 

To rescue, teach, and write, and show 


You might think I’m crazy 

when I say we’ll make it through alive

It might seem odd with waves and clouds

To think we’ll all survive


But I have spoke directly

With an angel of the Lord 

And make it through this storm we will;

Everyone on board


You might think it oddly strange 

The boss-man keeps me from the sharks

But I had favor from on high

Long before we embarked


I will live in spite of chains

Unhindered, yep, and unrestrained

Overcomer, yes, I am

Proclaiming Jesus’ mighty name!

I know who I am; I know me,

And I am on a mission

And neither chains, nor stormy sea

Can halt my great commission


Jack Fruits, Land Cruisers, & Oil


Roaring laughter