to Apr 27


Dear LION,

Orchard Ministries is taking 14 days to raise funds for our mentorship program in Ndola, Zambia. As you know, we started a group that we called “YOUNG LIONS” in 2019. That name came to me through one of my mentors, Navy SEAL Commander Rorke Denver. He called all of his is new and incoming Navy SEAL candidates, Young Lions when they arrived at their BUDs (Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL) training course in Coronado, CA.

For us, Lion means Leader. This program is a process of growing into the leaders that God has called each of us to become. We believe that each person is called, first and foremost, to lead themselves.  And then to also influence and lead others through service.

We are taking 14 days to raise funds for this program in Zambia, as well as to give you an opportunity to be challenged in your own leadership. We encourage you to jump in and take the challenge head-on personally in two specific ways...

First, by watching the online daily videos and completing our daily attached challenges.  And secondly, by making a donation to  help us continue the efforts of Orchard which is reproducing and multiplying strong leaders and lion-pride families among some of the most vulnerable children in the world. These teams, and the LION identity mean so much to the young people we serve!

A donation of $50 will get you an “I AM A LION” T-shirt and access to 14 daily challenges, which will be available through a special I AM A LION community Facebook Group. If you are willing to give one and get one, $100 will provide a t-shirt to a Young Lion in Zambia as well.  Any other amounts above and beyond allow us to continue to build growth into our Zambia programs such as age-appropriate mentorship groups, educational assistance, daily meals, shelter housing, running teams, community outreach, kids church plants, and more!  


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